What we use

- ‘A person can perform only from strength. One cannot build performance on weakness, let alone on something one cannot do at all.’ Peter Drucker

We provide assessments with the tools that we have found most helpful in our consulting, coaching, and training services to clients so that you can use feedback to become better people and leaders.

Lumina Spark, Leader and Sales

We offer as one of the very few in Scandinavia the Lumina Spark personal development tool and the Lumina Leader assessment.

Change Journey Map

To get the discussions going about change in your organisation we use the Change Journey Map, an interactive map that allows us to navigate in the complex, unpredictable changing world.


Successful communities are aware of the resources that energize and inspire individuals and groups. Energy8 is a tool which helps to recognise these different drivers.

Academy for Positive Change - Overdrevsvej 9 - 4340 Tølløse - Denmark - +45 61209126
- Building Leadership Intelligence
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What we useLumina.html
Dialogue Team